
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Color Run - Milwaukee

So I finally completed my first 5K! Sort of. I power walked the majority of it because I haven't restarted the C25K and I'm still really out of shape. It also happened to be quite muggy out so I was slugging water for fear that I would pass out in the heat (I've never done well in hot weather). But I did it! I ran at the start and at the finish! Since it wasn't a timed race Catherine didn't mind going at my pace and we had a total blast. It has rejuvinated my desire to get my butt in shape!

Here is the section of the post where I bombard you with photos - excuse the poor quality, I took them with my phone and used the front camera for half of them:

 Here is my face upon arriving at Miller Park... yes, I was excited.

 Everyone that attends these events are SO nice - people were more than happy to take a pic of us by this Color Run sign!
Showing off my freakishly long arms...

Me and Catherine at the starting line!

At the finish - what a rush! Even after showering I am still finding blue and orange in strange places...

 Can't wait for next year!